Success! UK Online Approve Funding Bid

We recently applied for funding from UK Online Small Capital Grants and are very pleased to announce that our bid was successful in updating our free drop-in computer suite.

The extra capital equipment will be used to reach high numbers of single pensioners in the community and provide facilities for disabled users to cater for My Guide services. This additional equipment will improve upon existing facilities and provide computer equipment and office furniture that will better cater for these new groups and existing users.

Wheel chair users will benefit from a new height adjustable desk and gain easier access to a computer. Elderly users will find using a larger track ball mouse far easier than the conventional mouse. All users will benefit from height adjustable seats and monitors creating a more comfortable and better working environment. The additional PC’s will meet the minimum My Guide specification requirements and enhance users overall experience. Also reduced costs will be made with the purchase of an economical printer.

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