Felling Pit Disaster 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration Day

Felling Pit Disaster 1812
Bicentennial Commemoration Day
Friday 25th May 2012

Unveiling of a blue plaque adjacent to the disaster Memorial obelisk at St Mary’s churchyard, Heworth.

Commencement of a heritage walk and parade with Felling Band and all the banners, from Heworth via Sunderland Road, to Felling Pit entrance on Mulberry Street.

Playing of Gresford by the Felling Band, to mark the time of the pit explosion in 1812.

12 noon to 1pm
Unveiling 2nd blue plaque on Mulberry Street.
Viewing of the new Felling Pit Banner along with junior banners.
Viewing of murals on Carlisle Street bridge, Brandling Primary School, and adjacent to Felling Metro station.
Break until approx. 2pm for buffet and refreshments.

Brandling Primary School children present their Felling Pit Disaster production ‘Monsters in the Mine’ in the school hall.

End of daytime events.

There will also be an exhibition of local history photographs and artifacts on display at Christ Church on Carlisle Street.

Christ Church on Carlisle Street there will be a service at which the disaster glass designed and created by children and local residents will be paraded into the church along with the Felling Pit Banner, accompanied by Felling Male Voice Choir and The Felling Band.

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