
We would be delighted for you to bring your child to Christ Church for baptism (also called ‘Christening’) and help you prepare for this important time for your family.

In the Baptism Service, we have the opportunity to welcome, support and pray for you and your family in your journey of faith with your child.

In Baptism you will be making important public promises and decisions before God and his church. We can arrange a time to discuss these promises as part of your Baptism Preparation.

If you are thinking of having your child baptised, please contact Revd. Tom Worsley [email protected] or telephone 07757949836 to arrange a visit.

Do I Have to Attend Church
We encourage your coming to church because:
It’s good practice!  In the baptism service you will promise to bring your child to come to church and be part of the church family with them.
It helps you understand the baptism service and the promises you make.  Coming to church will help you make sense of what it means to be a Christian and what is involved.
It helps you get to know us.  Baptism is about bringing your child into the church family.
You will want to know whether it’s a church family that you want yourself and your child to be part of.

As a parent or Godparent you should ask yourself:
Are you prepared to the best of your ability to give the child  a Christian upbringing within the family of Christ’s Church?

Will you help the child by being regular in public worship and private prayer, not only by your teaching but also by your example and your prayers?

Will you encourage the child in due time to come to Confirmation and Communion?

Church Law requires:-
a minimum of three Godparents, two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex.
Godparents should be baptised and confirmed. (the requirement of confirmation may be relaxed in certain cases)
a child should be baptised at their parish church or the church their parents normally attend.

Baptism Services take place during one of our Sunday Morning Services.  We will try our best to accommodate your preferred date but this is not always possible, you can help us by giving as much notice as possible.